70% of Batterers Who Ask For Custody Get It: The Family Court Mafia



During the past two decades, mothers have been losing custody of their children (even nursing infants) in increasing numbers to fathers who are convicted or identified batterers, child molesters, drug addicts, gang-bangers and felons. Family courts force children into the custody of abusive fathers at alarming rates, allowing these men to continue controlling and abusing their victims. Research shows that 70% of batterers who ask for custody get it. Safe mothers who left the abusers in order to protect their children are frequently labeled “unfriendly” and are inappropriately ordered to supervised visitation or denied all contact with their children.

The Leadership Council found more than 58,000 children every year are ordered into unsupervised contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following a divorce. Children very rarely lie about these things. And the reports are coming from the children. Even when they’re switched over to the custody of the batterers and the molesters, continue to report abuse. And they’re ignored

Women who were outspoken about their domestic violence allegations actually received less protection for themselves and their children. Many custody evaluators recommend custody to abusive fathers on the assumption that mothers either exaggerate the violence or are deliberately alienating their children from their fathers as a tactical advantage. Another reason judges give custody to the abuser is financial; over a quarter of the protective parents have reported filing bankruptcy as a result of fighting for custody of their children. The average cost of a court proceeding was reported to be over $80,000. These findings are particularly disturbing given that children exposed to domestic violence show similar levels of emotional and behavioral problems as children who were the direct sufferers of physical or sexual abuse. The court system does not want to believe that a well-spoken, charismatic man could really be a savage wife-beater or child abuser. It is easier to believe that his traumatized, sleepless, frightened and rapidly impoverished wife is lying, exaggerating or imagining things

Most are battered women who tried to flee domestic abuse to save their children, only to end up mired in our nation’s family courts, unable to protect them at all. Mothers who speak out about system failure often face judicial retaliation and lose what little time they have with their children. The unregulated cottage industry keeps churning, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees to experts, while some of the worst cases settle only when the children turn 18. This is a national epidemic that is destroying families across America.




Catch 22: Protective Parent Tries to Protect Child in Court

I have to share this sad information….  70% of women in the united states have lost custody of their children to their abuser when they stand up for their children in family court. Out of the 30% of women who maintained some sort of custody 15% of them were granted “Limited Supervised Visitation” because of the accusations of Parental Alienation Syndrome…..

Catch 22 Often Awaits Parents in Child Molest Cases
Special Article, by Anne Hart, Excerpted from The Davis Enterprise, Sunday, October 11, 1998

The term ‘protective parent’ has recently been coined to describe a parent who attempts to protect a child from a violent or incestuous spouse. It appears, at first glance, to be an apt and descriptive phrase. However, it is a misnomer.

The parent who seeks to protect his or her child from abuse often walks innocently into a Catch-22. In fact, some parents liken it to stepping into a bear trap. Imagine yourself a mother in this situation:

  • Your child has a series of terrible symptoms. He has nightmares, insomnia, maybe regresses in toilet training and exhibits a host of fears and phobias.
  • He becomes dissociative (spaced out) and depressed or out-of-control, even suicidal. You take him to a therapist. He tells you and the therapist he has been sexually abused by his father. He is only 4 years old.
  • The therapist makes a mandatory suspected child abuse report. You, the non-offending parent, are interviewed at length by the police. Your child is taken to be interviewed by a team of professionals. Medical examination shows evidence of penetration.
  • You are in shock. Your trusted your husband completely. You become exhausted and overwhelmed from trying to cope with your child’s many symptoms, and are unable to sleep from your own fear and anxiety. Nevertheless, you separate from your spouse to protect your child.
  • You find an attorney, file for divorce and request full custody. You feel confident that there will be no problem. The Catch-22 begins. You have entered a world you never knew existed.
  • Your soon-to-be ex-spouse finds an aggressive attorney who goes on the attack. Every day, a blizzard of incomprehensible paperwork arrives in your mailbox.
  • You go to a therapist to cope with your own misery, but your insurance will not pay for the treatment.
  • You receive notice that the police have closed the case due to lack of corroboration. The allegations are considered unsubstantiated or unfounded.
  • You are called into a series of hearings, in front of a judge who appears bored, irritated or uninterested. Your attorney tries to ameliorate the situation, at the rate of $250 an hour, since he has already spent the $10,000 retainer you gave him.
  • A psychological evaluation for the family is ordered, half of which you must pay. Your child begins to have temper tantrums. The nursery school calls to say your child tried to be sexual with another child.
  • You bank account begins to decline precipitously.
  • Your job is in jeopardy due to taking time off for a seemingly endless series of appointments for testing, mediation and therapy, as well as taking a day off to cry and sleep.
  • You take your child to a doctor due to a rash. Evidence of molest is again found. The police interview your child, and again close the case.
  • The psychological evaluation comes back, with no mention of the sexual abuse. The report states you are alienating the child from his father. It says you are suffering from an exotic problem such as Munchhausen’s Syndrome by Proxy or Parental Alienation Syndrome and delusions.
  • The report states that the only way to save your child from the effects of your alienating behavior is to place him in the custody of the father. Suddenly, you find yourself losing ground rapidly.
  • The judge makes a ruling that follows the evaluator’s recommendation. Your child is placed into the full custody of the accused offender. You get to have your child every other weekend from Friday until Sunday.
  • You burst into tears, and the judge makes another ruling. Due to your hysterical behavior, you are ordered to have only supervised visits.
  • From that point on, everything you do only tightens the noose. The father chooses a new therapist for the child. You have heard the therapist is biased in favor of men, and fear the worst.
  • During the visitation, your child whispers that daddy is still doing “nasty” things.
  • Your child receives his own court-appointed attorney. The attorney for the minor files a motion to suppress all evidence of molest. The judge agrees, and rules you may not take your child to a doctor.
  • Another blizzard of paperwork, motions and hearings occur. Your visitation time is reduced, and you are barred from going to the school.
  • Your former husband demands child support from you. He gets it.
  • You can no longer afford an attorney, and are forced to represent yourself. You lose your job because you cannot concentrate on sales presentations. You learn that your child is failing in school.
  • The judge still refers to the recommendations of the psychological evaluation and maintains the custody arrangements.
  • The situation can get worse. You file complaints with the district attorney, the Medical Board, the State Bar and the Commission on Judicial Performance. They receive the complaints.
  • You file an appeal, which costs about $30,000. The Court of Appeals decides there is no breach of law, since the judge has broad powers of discretion.
  • You approach every agency related to children’s issues you can find. Each official says his hands are tied, and refers you back to the prior agency.
  • You go to your legislator. He or she is concerned, but says the branches of government are separate.
  • You file for bankruptcy.
  • A gag order is placed on you, so you can no longer discuss the case. Your friends begin to avoid you, and no longer return your phone calls.
  • The visitation supervisor quits, and now you cannot see your child at all, since the other side will not agree to the supervisors you suggest.
  • Your health begins to deteriorate from the ongoing stress.

This scenario sounds impossible. Unfortunately, it is a true story. It is happening in many parts of the United States, including California, as documented in A Mother’s Nightmare, Incest by John E..B. Myers, a professor of law at McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento; The Hostage Child by Michelle Etlin; Divorced from Justice by Karen Winner; and Mothers on Trial by Phyllis Chessler.

These books describe chilling accounts of children being placed in the custody of the accused offender, and cut off from the ‘protective parent’ who loses everything.

The Catch-22 consists of the following:

  • You, the non-offending parent, can be charged with felony child endangerment and arrested for not protecting the child, if you do not report to the authorities.
  • However, reporting child sexual abuse triggers a series of events that often lead to the child being placed in the custody of the accused offender.

Why is this? The professionals who make the recommendations and judgments have been educated to minimize allegations of incest whenever there is a custody dispute, due to the remote possibility of a false allegation. Therefore, they often miss the real allegations.

The result is that the testimony of the young victim/witness is effectively silenced, and the child is endangered.”



Why are abused children of divorce not protected? Two main reasons are:

Divorce is the outcome of about 50% of marriages in California. In middle and upper-income divorces, child custody has become a huge money-making enterprise.

  • Attorneys and mental health professionals make a handsome living from custody litigation. The longer it goes on, the more money they make.
  • High-paid judges receive job security, and retired judges “moonlight” by hearing overflow cases.
  • In a 1999 Washington Times Insight Magazine article Is Justice for Sale in LA? reporter Kelly O’Meara described other income in the form of payoffs to judges through a slush fund in Los Angeles.
  • We need to inform you of a basic fact of court life: Nobody except the very, very wealthy with an ongoing hefty income can afford an attorney throughout a long-term contested custody case. Nobody. It costs way more than you can imagine.
  • There are foxes in the hen house, which means that some of the professionals may actively support the abusers for reasons of their own.

No one holds the judges and court appointed professionals accountable for decisions that endanger children.

  • Appeals are prohibitively expensive.
  • Appeals judges rarely reverse lower court rulings.
  • Judges and people they appoint have immunity, which means you can’t sue them.
  • The oversight agency Commission for Judicial Performance spends over $3 million dollars per year. In a 3 years period, zero judges were removed from the bench.

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” Dante


Countless true cases demonstrate the failure of family law courts to protect innocent victims. Read some brief examples of what happens in court, then return back to learn what you can do.



You and your child have just been ambushed. You need several things as you enter into this battle. First, you need to know the tactics of the other side, and be prepared.

For the most part, this is a paper war. You need to keep your documents in order, like keeping your sword sharp for warfare. It’s hard to do, but is very important.

  1. Get a big three ring binder and plenty of plastic “sleeves” to hold your papers. This way you don’t have to punch holes in the papers, and they don’t get torn.
  2. Get and keep every single piece of paper that’s generated in your case, including police reports, child protective services reports, evaluations, court transcripts and billing statements from everyone involved.
  3. Put each document in a separate plastic page holder in order of the dates.
  4. Make a table of contents by writing a list of everything you put in the binder. That way you can find the documents easily.
  5. Put a three-hole punch spiral notebook with lined pages in front of your binder. The notebook ensures that you are keeping accurate notes (law enforcement can see that your handwritten dated notes are not compromised). Add more notebooks as you need.
  1.   Put your family law case number, county and judge at the top of the first page.
  2.   Write your ex-spouse’s and your full names, addresses, phones, birth dates, educational levels, occupations, marriage date, separation date, divorce date, and reason for the divorce at the top of the first page.
  3.    Record any changes in addresses or occupations, including the dates.
  4.    Write each of your children’s full names and birth dates.
  5.    Write down the name, phone and address of their therapists, and why the child is seeing a therapist.
  6.    If anyone writes anything incorrect about you or your child, write an immediate polite clarification and send it to the person who wrote the report, to the judge and to all attorneys. Keep a copy.
  7.   Write down every symptom your child has, including dates. 
  8.   Always put the full date and quote what your child said as closely as possible.
  9.   If anyone else observed a symptom or a comment from your child, write that down. For example, “Ricky tried to touch his babysitter’s breast on June 10, 1998 and said ‘daddy do that’. The babysitter is Janet X, address, phone.”
  10.   Ask the babysitter, and anyone else who observes abuse, to write a declaration under penalty of perjury. Add them to your binder.
  11.  If someone will write a declaration in support of you, get them to write it immediately. Put it into the binder.
  12.    Every day write details of new developments, such as new disclosures from your child, in the spiral notebook. Always put the full date and quote what your child said as closely as possible.

 If your spouse physically attacks you or harasses you by stalking, file a police report and get a temporary restraining order so that he is not allowed to come near you.

  Get a copy of the police report and add it to your binder.

  Check your court file at the courthouse every few months. Sometimes you will find important papers missing. Write a dated note about the missing document and put it in your binder. Sometimes other people put papers in that you do not know about. Make copies and add a note explaining the date you found the document in your file, and the reason the document is significant.

WARNING: Retribution may occur if you complain!

Although recent appeal cases have limited CPS immunity, they have a great deal of power over you and your child. Proceed with caution. CPS is another example of a Catch 22.

If your child tells a teacher, doctor, clergy, or therapist about child abuse, that person must, by law, report to CPS and/or law enforcement. Here is the Catch 22: You are required by law to protect your child. Yet if your child has parenting time with the identified abuser due to family court orders, CPS may do nothing. (In fact, you may be accused of putting ideas into your child’s mind.)

You can protest the lack of CPS protection of your child. However, remember that you and your child may receive swift retribution for daring to complain or buck the system.

  • Read the information about your rights carefully.
  • If you wish, make a formal, clear, brief and well-written complaint, and ask for a hearing. Describe specifically what went wrong.
  • Always ask someone to edit your complaint, since it is difficult to write clearly when you are upset.
  • This is called an administrative remedy. That means you have to try to solve the problem locally first.
  • One CPS supervisor advised, “If you plan to complain, go up the chain of command all the way to the director with your complaint as fast as you can, then get a lawyer and sue the agency.”

If you plan to try to have CPS protect your child from the abuser, we advise you to do this in an effective, organized, and precise manner. We have found the following guidelines to be crucial documentation in our cases.

  • Begin a careful log in a spiral notebook and record every event, phone call, and letter. Include;
    • date and time
    • name of the agency and individual you spoke with
    • description of the conversation
    • direct quotes from the conversations
    • result, if any


  • Another suggestion is at the bottom of every letter, always write cc: and send copies to these individuals;
    • Director of CPS
    • Department of Social Services
    • County Board of Supervisors
    • your attorney


It is not particularly effective to write lots of letters of complaint, since you will probably be ignored. Long letters are often ignored also. However, clear, concise documentation of your reasonable actions is effective. Follow up each meeting with a thank you letter to document a synopsis of the meeting.

It’s time to leave…..

Did you know?

  • That a woman is beaten every 15 seconds
  • About one out of every four women in America will be physically assaulted or raped by an intimate partner at some point in their lives
  • Approximately 2 million to 4 million women are abused annually in the United States.
  • 85% of domestic violence victims are women.
  • Females who are 20-24 years of age are at the greatest risk of nonfatal intimate partner violence.
  • 81% of women stalked by a current or former intimate partner are also physically assaulted by that partner; 31% are also sexually assaulted by that partner.
  • Most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the police.

Protect your children: Did you know?

  • Boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their own partners and children when they become adults.
  •  30% to 60% of perpetrators of intimate partner violence also abuse children in the household.
  • Children who witness domestic violence in the home often believe that they are to blame, live in a constant state of fear and are 15 times more likely to be victims of child abuse.
  • Children can suffer from Post traumatic stress disorder  from exposure to domestic violence. Symptoms are nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, increased alertness to the environment, having problems concentrating, and can lead to physical symptoms.
  • Children exposed to domestic violence are likely to develop behavioral problems; regression,  out of control behavior, and imitating behaviors. Children might believe violence is an acceptable behavior of intimate relationships and become either the abused or the abuser.

Can you leave? YES!

Leaving an abuser IS dangerous. But, in order to do it as safely as possible, you should plan ahead:

  • Pack a bag ahead of time: Include items such as extra clothes, important papers, money, extra keys and prescription medications. Purchase a pre-paid cell phone and keep it in the bag for emergencies.
  • Gather a set of important phone numbers that you can have on you and contact if necessary. Some women will memorize three important phone numbers, just in case their cell phone is destroyed or their landline is disconnected. Have extra keys made for your car and for your house, in case the abuser takes the original set.
  •  Inform the people close to you know that if you don’t show up for work or something happens out of the ordinary to call the police.
  • Create a code word that you can use with friends and family, so if you are in danger, they know to call the police for you.
  • Find a safe place to meet friends or family in the event of you having to leave with no phone – or money. If you are missing for so many hours your friends or family will know where to find you. (Somewhere you can get to quickly and safely)
  • Know where you are going – find the local women’s shelters and make the arrangements a head of time.
  • Take your kids WITH you. Do NOT leave them behind – the abuser WILL use this against you in court and will have to fight for custody EVEN if he is convicted for domestic abuse to you and your children.
  • Call a local women’s shelter or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233) to find out about legal options and resources available to you.

While making plans to leave, avoid making long-distance phone calls from home or on your cell phone.Your abuser could be tracing or monitoring your calls and find out where you are going. They can also monitor your Internet activities and access your e-mail account: Create a new email account at a local library or outside source and keep  your passwords and user names secured.

The most dangerous time for a woman in a violent relationship is when she is leaving. Most homicides occurring in an abusive relationship happen during or after the victim leaves. Do NOT let your guard down.

For more information….

Anonymous and Confidential Help 24/7:
1.800.799.SAFE (7233)  1.800.787.3224 (TTY)


Speak up for those who can’t…

This PSA speaks volumes.


Stop hiding from the reality of this crime….

For more information visit:
 Or call:
1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)